Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How I Went to Liverpool and Did Almost Nothing Relevant to the Beatles

"This actually happened. It was sad but a fact of life.

Our day at Liverpool began with a cup of tea (TEA TALLY: 14) before we headed out to Lina's ex-husband's house in eastern Wales. He grew up in Liverpool and obviously was knowledgable about it. He also was the one that took us around Wales yesterday, but I guess I forgot to mention that.

Liverpool is a city that people travel to but also live in. We got in at about 11 and spent the first part of the day walking around the waterfront. Liverpool was apparently where my great-grandmother went through on her way to the US from Norway. Fun fact. Now you know. A lot of Liverpool is ship stuff and half-finished ship exhibits because they ran out of funding (a fact they notified everyone of in the most passive-aggressive sign in existence). Regardless, there were a bunch of cool ships on the water, and the downtown has been newly cleaned up and implemented with a really cool new landscape. Many of the buildings have an abstract resemblance to ships, a nuance that both my parents and I picked up. We felt cool.

The only Beatles-related stop we made was going to the Cavern, the place where the Beatles got their big break. The original Cavern has disappeared, AKA turned into some garage thing, but they restored it completely about a few feet down to make it look exactly like how it did. Fun fact: it's even a sort of barseum now, for lack of a better word. Bands still play gigs here but there's tons of historical stuff. And we had COFFEE! I didn't have tea at a meal or a gastronomical event for the first time in 2 days. WHOA.

After the Cavern we went out for lunch at a place called Albert Dock and I FINALLY got fish and chips. I totally wrecked this subplot because I never mentioned that I tried to get fish and chips in Stratford but they had RUN OUT (WHO DOES THAT?!?!) and then the restaurant we ate at in Conwy yesterday didn't even have fish and chips because it was too classy for that sort of fare.

I guess that subplot was kinda stupid, but like... it seemed important about ten seconds ago?

And I AGAIN forwent having tea. It was weird. I only had one cup of tea today. I had more yesterday in about two hours than I did all of today. I'm a bad fake Brit.

Well, tomorrow we're headed to London, so that should be a big shift from Wales and the less-populated Manchester. I'll talk from there!"

This is what I wrote two days ago, prior to coming to London and feeling like crap the whole commute. I then learned that I had a fever after sleeping for about five hours upon arriving at the hotel. I also become nauseated at the very thought of fish and chips. Ewwwwwww.

So I didn't really do much yesterday. Two nice things that happened were that we got to ride first class from Manchester to London, and we got upgraded to our current room that has an amazing view of Big Ben, the London Eye, and other cool shtuff on the river.

This is our current view. I give it two Earl Greys up.

Today we went to Westminster Abbey and I enjoyed walking around for a bit. The thing that struck me the most about the Abbey is that it was built in the 13th century but is still used today. I mean, they have the SAME coronation chair for monarchs since like the 14th century when they built it. And they STILL USE IT. We couldn't take pictures, so that wasn't fun, but I think my memory won't fail me for a while.

I forwent having tea AGAIN yesterday and only had two cups today.


I need to get better so I can drink MOAR TEA!

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